Wanna play hooky?
While we were living in Charlotte, we were going through a lot of home renovation drama and life was not easy. At one point, we were renting a single room converted garage apartment with a 'kitchenette' that had no oven and only a sink. The bathroom walls didn't even reach the ceiling, so that was fun.... We couldn't see the light at the end of the home-renovation-tunnel and life felt bleak.
One day, I came across a Groupon for flying lessons. David's 'if I was to start a new career' dream is to be a pilot. He LOVES airplanes and flying. Granted, the flying lesson was an intro to flight that probably was only an hour (? I don't recall...) but it was a good deal and just what the doctor ordered. I was going to surprise David. I had everything ready. The lesson was scheduled, my camera was charged and I even notified his boss that David was not going to be coming into work that Wednesday. However, the night before the lesson, I decided to let him in on the secret. It occurred to me that though he would be excited for a flying lesson, he might not like to be so surprised and unable to fly because he wasn't mentally prepared. I told him the night before. The lesson was amazing!! #wifepoints
Raybans & Leather Jacket
Umm doesn't he look so cool?! That leather jacket we purchased on our honeymoon in Italy at the Florence market!
Riding backseat
I was able to sit in the backseat while David took his first flying lesson!